Friday, July 27, 2007

This just in ...

The daycare director asked me yesterday how I would feel about Kali moving up to the 3 year old room! It is that time of year when they move the kids up into new rooms and they had to make a decision about who to move up out of the 2 year old room. Out of all those kids (only about 8, but still ...), they chose Kali because they think she is ready! Even though English is not her first language, she already speaks English better than some of the other kids her own age ... they can actually understand what she is saying. They tell me that she is really learning well, that every day they can see a difference from the day before.

We do think she is a lot closer to 3 years old than we originally anticipated. We considered changing her birthday to something closer to now after watching her over the past month ... after all, a 2 year/5 month old is still further behind developmentally than a 2 year/11 month old, even though they are both technically 2 years old. But 10 years from now, will it really matter whether she turns 13 in August or in November?

But we did say this girl is smart, didn't we??


Amy said...

That's great!!!
In response to whether you should change it, one thing that I would think about is the cutoff date for school in TX. My younger son's birthday is January 2nd, and he will not be able to attend Kindergarten next year because of his birthday being two days after the cutoff for the state of CT. It doesn't matter for him, really, as that half year will do him a lot of good (he's catching up in his speech) but that might be a consideration for you.
She's a smartie-tart, as we would say in this house.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the previous comment. I would check out what the implications are for school later on. From a psychological perspective, girls tend to be better adjusted when they are on the young side for their grade and boys tend to do better when they are on the old side for their grade. From what you have descibed about the extent of her ability to phrase and communicate, she does sound closer to three. I am sure she will do great no matter what you decide.