Sunday, September 9, 2007

Weekend in Austin

Kali and Piper

Home from our weekend in Austin! We all had a great time at my company picnic. Kali and Carson both had so much fun playing in the water, both the pool and the lake. On our way home this afternoon, we met up with Rachel Elliott and her 3 sweetie pies. It was so good to see Piper again (we saw her in Addis when we visited the orphanage). Piper and Kali were in the same orphanage, but you know how kids are ... they don't remember much from last week let alone months ago. There didn't seem to be any recognition from either of them, but it was still nice for them to see each other. Even if they don't remember as time goes on, at least we can hope to keep them in touch as one link to their heritage.

Kali, Piper, Brodan, Camden & Carson with their Happy Meal toys

As you can see from the picture, the boys got along wonderfully! Happy Birthday, Brodan! And an early Happy Birthday to you too, Little Miss Piper Chaltu!!


Renee said...

Thanks for posting comments to our blog. You mentioned in your postings that you read several books about toddler adoption- what books would you recommend? I've heard a Weaver's Craft is good. We're so excited but at the same time I feel so unprepared and nervous. Any helpful tips/recommendations etc... you could offer would be wonderful! my email is


Quinn Girls said...

Thank you for supporting the raffle. Hopefully I will be on my way to Kozit soon. I am completing the last few pieces of my dossier this week. I received Gladney approval today. Kali looks so happy and healthy in all her pics. What a cutie! I especially like the one with her tongue out. It would be great if a fellow adoptive family won the raffle. I don't have many Ethiopian adoption connections out here in the middle of the Pacific.