Saturday, June 23, 2007

Brother & Sister

The sound of children's laughter in this house is so wonderful! It has certainly been good for Kali's transition having Carson here. They have the best time together, running through the house, dancing to music (THAT is the cutest thing ever! Finally got some video of them dancing!), attempting to play baseball, just sitting at the table eating. As long as we keep taking our vitamins, Rick and I should be able to keep up with them without trouble ... with the occasional afternoon nap to rejuvenate these old bones.
I think the Gladney pediatrician in Addis got it right with Kalkidan's age ... just watching her interact with her brother, she is every bit the two year old, soaking up everything she sees, wanting to do everything by herself, always wanting to help (why doesn't that helping stage continue into the teen years?). But sometimes you can look into her eyes and see that she is an old soul ... she has a wisdom about her that transcends her two years. And it isn't sadness ... haven't seen a trace of sadness in Kali since our time in the hotel in Addis. Of course she pouts sometimes, but that is not the same as true sadness. She is just wise ... feisty and wise! Add to that her beauty and laughter and watch out world for Kalkidan Page!!!


The Elliott Family said...

OOOhhh, I get to itching for Piper when I read about Kali!

Do you pronounce the "a" in her name like a short "a" or short "o"?

I am so happy that she is full of life!

Anonymous said...

Well, Cody told us she was beautiful and she is!! I know you must be so proud and excited that you finally have your precious little girl!! She is blessed to be with such a family!!
We will continue to hear about your ventures from you page and Cody.
Take Care
Rickey & Lana Lemons