Wednesday, May 23, 2007

She's Ours!!!

Fantastic news!! Mary called and our adoption of Kali was approved by the Ethiopian courts! She is officially ours! And the shots weren't so bad either.

We received a very nice surprise yesterday with new pictures of Kali. We just can't believe how incredibly cute she is, and her eyes are the best! Between staring at her picture all day, the pain in my arms (we got our travel shots this morning), and the great news from Mary, I found it very difficult to concentrate at work today. Rick and I are both so anxious to get there.

We officially booked our flights on Ethiopian Air and decided on the Hilton in Addis. We will be leaving June 4th!! The Sheraton looks amazingly luxurious, but we just couldn't justify it. Too bad that we didn't have the Bottomly's luck of the Hilton being completely booked already ... woulda been nice!! But where we stay ultimately doesn't matter nearly as much as getting there and bringing our daughter home!

As for the shots today, we both opted for the Hep A, Typhoid, Yellow Fever, and the Tdap (tetanus, diptheria & pertussis ... yes, pertussis!) I went ahead and had the Hep B done two weeks ago by my own doc, thinking I would get whatever I could out of the way here in town, thereby avoiding TOO many shots at one time. The nurse just kept asking over and over again why I got that one ... was I planning on working around blood or bodily fluids? Don't know what was up with her, considering both Gladney and CDC recommend Hep B as well. After the nurse's reaction to my Hep B shot, Rick opted out. Anyway, for anyone who is curious on how much $ to plan for on the shots, these 4 cost $450 total for both of us. The Tdap was a little more than just the straight tetanus shot. The meningitis is over $100 per shot, just in case you're planning on getting that one too.

Something tells me that these next two weeks will be loooooooong .....


Anonymous said...

Hurray! She is beautiful. I love the shot of her looking at the photo album. I am the one who wrote earlier about considering adopting a toddler or school age child. I can't wait to follow your trip. The view from today of the next two weeks probably looks like a long stretch but as you start organizing and packing and shopping, I bet you will wonder where the time went!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! She's beautiful. You must be so anxious to go get her home. Our dossier should be sent to Ethiopia soon and we're hoping for a quick turnaround and MAYBE travel in July. We'll see. We just had our shots too - what did you decide on for malaria pills? I'm still a little confused on that. Best of luck on waiting to travel - we'll be thinking of you and watching the blog!

The Elliott Family said...

Your baby girl is stunning! Those eyes will grab you!

My best on this long-short wait!

God Bless!